Last updated: September 13 2016
September 15 is the date on which the third quarterly tax instalment must be remitted to CRA, to avoid interest costs on amounts owing for 2016. CRA may have sent a notice, but is the amount shown on it what is really owed?
Now is the time to consider the options you have in payment methods and project income for 2016 . . Here are our top three tips for managing quarterly instalments to remit the correct amount, but no more.
Taxpayers who owe more than $3,000 in the current tax year and one of the prior two tax years are required to make quarterly instalment payments (annual for farmers and fishers). These taxpayers have three options:
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If the first option is chosen, no penalty or interest will be charged regardless of whether the instalments are insufficient. If either of the other two options is chosen, taxpayers are liable for a penalty for late or insufficient instalments if the amount paid is less than the liability determined when the return is filed.
Year-end Planning Opportunities. Regardless of which method is used, taxpayers should estimate their tax liability prior to the last instalment due date (December 15) to determine whether the last instalment should be reduced or eliminated. This is an important part of all year-end tax planning activities. There is no point in taking money out of the markets and sending it to CRA in December, only to have it returned with no interest when the return is filed months later.
Another option is to review charitable donations for the year and consider transferring publicly traded shares with accrued gains to qualifying charities to take advantage of two tax planning moves: no tax on the capital gain and a charitable donation credit that offsets other taxes payable.
Evelyn Jacks is President of Knowledge Bureau, Canada’s leading educator in the tax and financial services, and author of 52 books on family tax preparation and planning.
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1CRA’s instalment amounts for the first two quarters are each 25% of the balance due on the return for the second prior year. The third and fourth instalments are each 50% of the difference between the prior year balance due and the sum of the first two instalments.