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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 131 votes
No: 25 votes

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Help Business Owners Stay Onside with the CRA as a DMA™

Especially in light of family business tax changes; and new technology advancements at CRA, a financial intermediary who can integrate advice on all aspects of a financial transaction – from banking to tax reporting - will be well positioned to help both new market entrants and older clients with tax problems it’s high value advice that crosses all demographics. Take 10! Join us for an interactive DMA™ Program Orientation and become a DMA™- Accounting Services Specialist.

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Moving expenses:  One of the Oldest Yet Most Missed Deductions

Did you know that the moving expenses deduction has been around since the 1972 taxation year?  It was one of the original provisions of the Budget 1971 – which introduced the last major tax reform in Canada.  It was originally intended to recognize the expenses incurred in moving to a new job or educational institute to study and since has been extended to include moves to new locations for self employment purposes as well.  About 85,000 people claimed this deduction based on most recent statistics and it is quite lucrative.  Here’s what’s claimable:

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Tax Season: Can I Claim My Dog?

I have heard and seen a lot of funny things on planes, trains and other modes of transportation, but a memorable episode recounted by a fellow traveller involved an emotional support turkey firmly grasped by its owner who was afraid of flying. It reminds me of a question I often get:  can I claim  my fur-baby on my tax return.  In some cases, the answer is yes.

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Investors who Make a Social Impact

Some might think this is too good to be true:  the realized capital gain on some financial assets is not subject to regular income tax if the security is transferred to a charity.  That’s right, the gain is avoided entirely. . .almost.  Here is what you need to know to make a social impact throughout the tax year, and reap impressive tax benefits too.

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Business Closures: More after March 28?

The final repayment deadline for outstanding CEBA loans is today, March 28.  This is the last opportunity to preserve any of the up to $20,000 in loan forgiveness.  Those business owners who failed to arrange financing for repayment must pay up the entire loan plus interest.  Will that push more businesses to close?  If so, it would add to the over 2200 business which closed their doors in December of 2023, for a total of 8 months of active business closures in 2023, according to Statistics Canada.  Check out the provincial trends:

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